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Dialectics and Metaphysical Assumptions in IR

In Routledge International Handbook of Dialectical Thinking (N. Shannon & M. Mascolo, Eds.), London: Routledge, 2024.

Leveraging Vanua: Metaphysics, Nature, and Climate Change Adaptation in Fiji

In Beyond Belief: Opportunities for Faith-Engaged Approaches to Climate-Change Adaptation in the Pacific Islands, (Johannes M. Luetz, Patrick D. Nunn Eds.), Springer 2021.

Ancient Indian Dialectics and Marx

In Probings and Re-probings: Essays in Marxian Reawakening (Sankar Ray and Shaibal Gupta Eds.), Aakar Books, Delhi, 2020.

The Cosmology of Mādhyamaka Buddhism and Its World of Deep Relationalism

In Theology and World Politics: Metaphysics, Genealogies, Political Theologies, (V. Paipais Ed.), London, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2020.

Dialectics in Critical International Relations Theory

With Suus De Groot Heupner, in Handbook of Critical International Relations, S. Roach (Ed.) Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2020. 


With Roxanne Chaitowitz, et. al, Popular Culture and Geopolitics, R. Saunders, V. Strukov (Eds.), London: Routledge, 2018.


'Warning! Zombies Ahead': Determinate negation, predatory capitalism, and globalised place making

With R. Chaitowitz,  in Popular Culture and Geopolitics, R. Saunders, V. Strukov (Eds.), London: Routledge, 2018: Chapter 9: 197-215.


Critical Theory and International Relations

In B. Best et. al. (Eds.) Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory, Vol. III, London: Sage, 2018: Chapter 87: 1436-1449.


From International Relations to World Civilizations: The contributions of Robert W. Cox

In From International Relations to World Civilizations: The contributions of Robert W. Cox, S. Brincat (Ed.), London: Routledge, 2017: 7-10.



In Dialectics in World Politics, S. Brincat (Ed.), London: Routledge, 2015: 1-6.


Emancipation and the Limits of Marx’s Cosmopolitan Imaginary

In Communism in the 21st Century: Re-imagining Marx’s Vision of Communism, vol. I, S. Brincat (Ed.), Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2014: 160-197.


Communism in the 21st Century: vision and sublation

In Communism in the 21st Century: Re-imagining Marx’s Vision of Communism, vol. I, S. Brincat (Ed.), Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2014: xiv-lxxvi.



With Laura Lima and João Nunes in Critical Theory in International Relations and Security Studies: Interviews and Reflections, S. Brincat, L. Lima, J. Nunes (Eds.), London: Routledge, 2012: 1-14.​


Review of Jairus Grove's Savage Ecology: War and Geopolitics at the End of the World

Perspective of Politics, 19(1), 2021.


Review of Andy Blunden's Hegel for Social Movements

Thesis Eleven, 161(3), 2021 (forthcoming)

Review of James D. Ingram's Radical Cosmopolitanism

Perspectives on Politics, 13(3), 2015: 841-852.


Review of Henrik Bliddal, Casper Sylvest and Peter Wilson (Eds.), Classics of International Relations: Essays in Criticism and Appreciation

E-IR, 2014.


Review of Kirsten J. Fisher's Moral Accountability and International Criminal Law

Law and Society Review, 47(1), 2013: 238-240.


Review of Raya Dunayevskaya's The Power of Negativity

Socialism & Democracy, 25(2), 2011: 164-200.


Review of Andrew Linklater's Critical Theory and World Politics

Dialogue, e-Journal, 7(1). Revised and republished in Global Discourse, 1(1), 2010.


Review of Axel Honneth's Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory

Dialogue, e-Journal, 6(2), 2008.


Review of Robert B. Pippin's The Persistence of Subjectivity: On the Kantian Aftermath

Dialogue, e-Journal, 6(1), 2008.

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